Inside the Sinaloa Cartel...fascinating...
In 2005, the Flores twins were flown to a mountaintop compound in
Sinaloa to meet with Chapo Guzmán. The kingpin is an intimidating
interlocutor; one criminal who has negotiated with him face to face told
me that Chapo tends to dominate a conversation, asking a lot of
questions and compensating for his short stature by bouncing on the
balls of his feet. But the meeting went well, and before long, the
brothers were distributing around two tons of Sinaloa product each
As preferred customers, they often took Chapo’s drugs without
putting any money down, then paid the cartel only after they sold the
product. This might seem unlikely, given the pervasive distrust in the
underworld, but the narcotics trade is based on a robust and
surprisingly reliable system of credit. In a sense, a cartel like
Sinaloa has no choice but to offer a financing option, because few
wholesale buyers have the liquidity to pay cash upfront for a ton of
cocaine. “They have to offer lines of credit,” Wardrop told me, “no
different from Walmart or Sears.”
No Word on Mexican drug lord Guzman after gun battle in Guatemala...